
Showing posts with the label ink

Drawing Practice - Eyes

I love drawing and sadly neglected my practice over the last few years.  I’m now trying to get into the swing of using my sketchbook for daily drawing practice.  I want to improve my drawing all round but am going to begin with portraits and figures.  Specifically I am starting with facial features. Now practising drawing eyes.  Using either graphite or pen.  I know, keep practising!  I’m quite pleased with my progress so far, but I’m a very impatient person and need to see results quickly.  I must learn to slow down and draw mindfully. I invested in the Bargue book to help me with my practice, as so many of my artist friends have recommended it.  The book is a series of plates designed to teach students how to draw and was originally used in the 17th century ateliers.  Now I’m not sure how exactly this is taught, but I figured if I worked my way through the plates then surely my drawing couldn’t help but improve.  Anyway, practice makes perfect as they say and I know from experience t

Embracing the Wonky - Sketching houses

Sketching houses Marker pens in sketchbook Some of my previous sketches of houses:- Pen and wash Watercolour and ink Watercolour and ink I think keeping a sketchbook is about learning … new styles, techniques, subjects… it’s a place to play and it’s what I really love to do. Recently, I have discovered I particularly enjoy sketching houses.  But not just any houses.  These have to be quirky, colourful and fun!  I am embracing my need for wonkiness in my life.  I hate straight lines that give a lifeless feel to a sketch. I love quirkiness and wonkiness as it gives character and life to a sketch.  Don’t you agree? Best wishes Shari 💕