Straw bales

Acrylic painting on canvas board, Straw bales. This reminds me so much of home, our old house, where we were surrounded by fields and after the harvest the straw bales in the fields. It was such a lovely peaceful place and we had a clear view over the fields to watch the beautiful sunsets. Anyway, back to the painting. With this one again, I did the simplistic drawing, then blocked in, followed by the refining and detail. “Hay Bales“ acrylic on canvas board 16” x 12” Not quite finished yet as I need to lighten the background bales a tad and strengthen the foreground shrubbery on the right. Feeling quite happy with this one. Hope I have inspired you to have a go at painting. Remember, three colours, three brushes and three steps. It’s so easy. The colours I used are Ultramarine blue, Alizarin crimson and Yellow ochre, plus Titanium white. You can mix all the colours you need from these and create a very harmonic painting. Look out for my pa...