
Showing posts with the label Drawing

Creative juices are overflowing!

 I know what you’re thinking!  Shari has disappeared off the face of the Ethernet, having deserted her creative and artistic endeavours.  But no, you are wrong.  I have so much to show you it’s hard to know where to begin!   Firstly, I enrolled in a full time Art and Design course at college and have been so busy and productive, I have had no time to devote to my blog. However, I have lots to tell you about. This course is the best thing I have ever done.  I am loving every day and every workshop I’ve attended. The course covers drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, photography and art history.  Varied, interesting and exciting.  The first year is a series of workshops teaching us various techniques and building our skills.  The second year is working on our own major projects and specialising in our chosen area. . Two large A1 drawings in charcoal, first of a skull and the second a close up of the eye socket Drypoint print from an etching I created Ha

Drawing Practice - Eyes

I love drawing and sadly neglected my practice over the last few years.  I’m now trying to get into the swing of using my sketchbook for daily drawing practice.  I want to improve my drawing all round but am going to begin with portraits and figures.  Specifically I am starting with facial features. Now practising drawing eyes.  Using either graphite or pen.  I know, keep practising!  I’m quite pleased with my progress so far, but I’m a very impatient person and need to see results quickly.  I must learn to slow down and draw mindfully. I invested in the Bargue book to help me with my practice, as so many of my artist friends have recommended it.  The book is a series of plates designed to teach students how to draw and was originally used in the 17th century ateliers.  Now I’m not sure how exactly this is taught, but I figured if I worked my way through the plates then surely my drawing couldn’t help but improve.  Anyway, practice makes perfect as they say and I know from experience t