Creative juices are overflowing!

 I know what you’re thinking!  Shari has disappeared off the face of the Ethernet, having deserted her creative and artistic endeavours.  But no, you are wrong.  I have so much to show you it’s hard to know where to begin!  

Firstly, I enrolled in a full time Art and Design course at college and have been so busy and productive, I have had no time to devote to my blog.

However, I have lots to tell you about.

This course is the best thing I have ever done.  I am loving every day and every workshop I’ve attended.

The course covers drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, photography and art history.  Varied, interesting and exciting.  The first year is a series of workshops teaching us various techniques and building our skills.  The second year is working on our own major projects and specialising in our chosen area.


Two large A1 drawings in charcoal, first of a skull and the second a close up of the eye socket

Drypoint print from an etching I created

Hand sculpture

Painting to music

After Georgia O’Keefe

Lino print

Sculpture of myself

Still life in oils on paper

I think this course has really kick-started my creative juices again and knocked that block right out of the arena.  I’m back on track and have so many new ideas overflowing in my brain.

I’m no spring chicken and in some ways I wish when I was young I’d had the opportunities the youngsters have today, but I don’t regret a thing I’ve done in my life.  Going back to college has proved that you’re never too old to learn and I’m having the best time.

Have a wonderful weekend all.

Best wishes
Shari  ðŸ’•


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