Dolls, dolls, dolls!

 Hello all, 

So sorry I’ve been away so long!  Many things happening around here so little time for my hobbies, but I’m now getting back into things.

My interest in doll collecting has exploded into a kind of mania 😂 but I’m trying to slow things down a little.

I moved from porcelain to baby dolls and then to American Girl and Our Generation before returning to my first love of Barbie!

When I was young I didn’t have many dolls, but I did have Barbie and some Barbie clones.  I never really took to Sindy, I don’t know why.  Then recently I discovered Sindy and wow! Have I been missing out!  First I bought a few vintage Sindy and I love them.  Somehow I find their faces so expressive and they move and pose so well.  I always did like the Sindy furniture.  It was always much better made than Barbies trashy stuff.  But now I must admit I’m rather taken with Sindy herself.

As a child I hated Ken and Paul, they always seemed so drippy.  Action man was my Barbies favourite man.  So of course I just had to have an Action Man…. Or two… or four…. As I discover the differences in the various decades that they were made.  My favourite are the Eagle Eyes with flocked hair.  The very early ones were let down by their spindly bodies, but in 1992 a new Action Man body was modelled I believe on the GI Joes more muscular physique and this coupled with a flocked head and Eagle Eyes made him just perfect for my girls.

I have been enjoying making dioramas with my dolls and photographing them.  I love making up little stories for them.

Here’s some that I did recently.

After giving Edward the big E, Bella flirted outrageously and has now turned her attention to new boy Steve 💕… not sure how long for.  She’s a flighty one! 😂

The party was only just getting started when Steve’s smile faded.  Bella turned her back on him and made a beeline for Indiana.

“Oh rats!” Thought Indie, “I think we have a big problem”.

Bella smiled as she took his hand to dance.  “Just what makes you tick, Mr Jones?” She asked flirtatiously.

“Fame and glory, kid, fame and glory” said Indiana recognising the snake that she was.

Hope you enjoyed my little excursion into the doll realm.

Have a great weekend.  See you soon.
Best wishes
Shari 💕


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