Fantasy paintings

 Sorry for my recent absence from the blog, I have been incredibly busy with my painting and other creative works that I will post on the blog shortly.  But first, I just wanted to talk about painting fantasy paintings.  This is really outside my comfort zone but always eager to get to grips with a challenge, I decided to have a go with some moon paintings.

Firstly, “Harvest Moon” painted in acrylics on canvas.

“Harvest Moon” acrylics on canvas

I began by a simple drawing of the pathway, tree area and moon on black canvas.

Using a limited palette, I set about blocking in the main shapes -

And then I began to refine:

Adding in more detail:

I hope you enjoy the pictures of my process. 

The second fantasy painting was “Lovers’ Moon” again painted in acrylics.  I’m really starting to enjoy using acrylics, even though I normally  use oils. 

Not sure this one was as successful as Harvest Moon, but I enjoyed painting it.  The only thing with this one was getting the darkness right.

The third painting was a repeat of Harvest Moon, but I didn’t really like this second version so much.  The placing of the moon is too low and I really feel the first one used much better colouring on the moon, although that’s an easy fix.  I may or may not correct it.  We will see.

Anyway, that’s it for now.  Happy painting! See you next week.

Best wishes

Shari 💕


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