Morning Walk in Hunstanton

 Back to panting!  Using one of the photos taken earlier, and after the imprimatura layer was in place I set about drawing on canvas using acrylic paints.  Then blocking in the main shapes, the painting started to take shape.

First pass in acrylics

Once the block in was complete I began to refine using oils (my favourite medium), getting in the detail and adjusting as needed.  

Then, leaving the painting for a day or two, I came back to look for the One Thing to improve my painting.  That was the cliffs needed adjusting to make them less flat and give them a fuller look.

Morning Walk in Hunstanton (completed in oils)

Hunstanton is one  of my favourite beaches and I don’t think I will ever tire of painting it.  I hope you enjoy the end result and I will be back soon with my next completed project. Such fun! 🤩. 

Best wishes


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