Bits and Pieces

 Hi All

This week has been busy on the craft front.  Mostly little experiments and ideas at the moment, oh yes, I’m full to bursting of ideas!  Just not enough hours in the day.

This post will be about the bits and pieces I’ve been working on this week.

Firstly, an update on my sewing themed linocut.  I’ve refined the design, made the needle look better and had a general tidy up. Still in need of a little more work but it’s getting there.

Sewing Linocut

Next I worked on the little flower rubber stamp.  It needed more definition, so I outlined the centre and marked out the petal separations.  What do you think, better?

Flower stamp

The sewing box is still a work in progress, but here’s the original box with a new lid cut out as the old one was rotten and beyond repair.  I have the hinges, etc to reattach.  

Sewing Box Project

Will bring you updates on this as they happen.

Finally, some pieces from my art course:-

Ink & Wash 

Ink line drawing

Watersoluble pencil

The brief was to describe a single stem flower with one leaf using ink & wash, then just ink in a line drawing.  I threw the other one in as it was a practice piece and I really liked the spontaneity of it as well as the bold colour.

I have also been designing some new jewellery, but at the moment it’s top secret 🤫 🤐 so you will have to wait for a week or two.

Sometimes I worry that I’m working on too many different hobbies, but then again, as they say variety is the spice of life.  I love learning new things and creating.  This is just me and it makes me happy.

Until next week,

Best wishes, Shari


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